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Thank you for your interest in the Stayin’ Alive grant program.

Stayin’ Alive accepts grant applications for projects and programs that aim to reduce substance abuse problems in Franklin County. Applications must address the problem statements identified within the State of Indiana’s approved Franklin County Comprehensive Community Plan. Stayin’ Alive’s mission is to promote a safer and healthier community by reducing the problematic use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs in Franklin County.

Stayin’ Alive is responsible for allocating county monies received from fees assessed from alcohol and drug related offenders. Stayin’ Alive receives proposals, evaluates applications, interviews agencies and determines allocation amounts. Monies will be awarded in three categories: Prevention & Education, Law Enforcement & Justice and Treatment & Intervention. Grant award size is strictly contingent on state regulations and will vary by circumstances, need, program model, number of applicants, and amount available.

The grant application is below.

If you have any questions regarding the information in the grant program, please Contact Us.

Important Dates and Information

Application Deadline: August 31, 2024, at 11:59 pm.

Grant Presentation: An oral presentation to the Grant Committee will be scheduled once all applications are submitted.

Sample Budget: Please enclose a budget for your project. List all additional funding sources. (Expenditures may only be for granting period, October 2024 – September 2025)

Grant Application

  • If applying under two grant categories, please break down by each grant category in the budget.
  • Which problem statement in the Comprehensive Community Plan does this application address?
  • (1) Please provide a brief summary of the project; and (2) funding priority area(s) to be addressed by the project.
  • Please describe the organization’s experience and ability to oversee the project’s programmatic and financial coordination, as well as the ability of key program staff or consultants to do the proposed work.
  • Please upload resume(s) of new key program staff or consultant(s) that intend to do the proposed work.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 122 MB.
    • Who is the intended target group(s) of this application, and how many people do you intend to reach? (Be as specific as possible). Give an example of the types of target groups included: 100 area youth, ages 10-13, etc.
    • Describe the objective and activities to be accomplished in the scope of the work: State the purpose of the project and why it is needed. Include your overall goal(s) as well as specific objective(s). Objectives need to be measurable and must include a timeline as to when they will be accomplished. Example: “By September 30, 2024, 200 high school youth will have completed a one day training on drug abuse prevention.”
    • Will you conduct pre and post testing or how will you determine if this project was beneficial to the targeted age group?
    • Please include press clippings, sign-in sheets for events, photographs, samples of fliers and brochures, etc.
      Drop files here or
      Max. file size: 122 MB.
      • Please upload a budget for your project. List all additional funding sources.
        Max. file size: 122 MB.